Monday, October 12, 2009

OGoBiblios 56

Young, PA (2008). The Culture Based Model: A framework for designers and visual ID languages. In L.Botturi & T. Stubbs (Eds.), Handbook of visual languages for instructional design: Theories and practices (pp.52-75). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Young reiterates her culture based model (OGoBiblios 47) and provides some guidance for its application in the Visual ID languages context. In this article, she more specifically articulates how her historical and linguistic analysis of instructional design products designed by and for African-Americans provided an empirical basis for her culture based model: “a treasure of themes and concepts related to culture were found in these materials and classified as cultural remnants… The cultural remnants found in these instructional products were generalized to meet the design needs of cross cultural audiences and this translation resulted in [the culture based model] (p.59). As part of the ID-TABLET framework, she lists 25 elements that “can be used to understand, define or evaluate the target audience” in three categories: anthropology of culture, psychology of culture and science of culture (p.64).

Anthropology of culture: aesthetics, artifacts, capital, classification, communications, demographics, environment, history, knowledge, language, physiology, relations, resources

Psychology of culture: beliefs & values, experiences, ideas, identity, interests, misconceptions, ways

Science of culture: anomalies, cultures, futures, infinites, nature

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