Thursday, March 19, 2009

Building a Professional Network in China

Did you know that most Chinese mobile phone users don't use voicemail?

Members of the Graduates in Instructional Technology Student Association (GrITS) at Georgia State University learned that recently while collaborating with Zoo Atlanta's Academy for Conservation Training (ACT). ACT invited GrITS members to brainstorm technology solutions to help foster the professional network for zoo educators in China and maintain momentum between training programs. Similar to not using voicemail, Chinese online communication habits also seem to favor immediacy through the use of instant messaging, the most popular program is QQ.

Learn more about Chinese Social Networking Habits:

Where's China in Social Networking?

Linked In in China?

Online Social Networks in China

More information about ACT provided by Laurel Askue:

Funded by The UPS Foundation, Zoo Atlanta’s award-winning Academy for Conservation Training (ACT) is the preeminent conservation education training for Chinese zoo educators. The goal of ACT is to work with the Chinese Association of Zoologcial Gardens (the organization that oversees accredited zoos in China) to develop and support a network of professional zoo educators who have the skills, knowledge and tools to support their conservation missions through education. Prior to the launch of ACT in 2006, no professional development training existed for Chinese zoo educators and the majority of zoos in China did not have functioning education departments or trained educators on staff. Since the launch of the program, ACT has conducted five traveling trainings (in Chengdu, Kunming, Beijing, Guanzghou and Shanghai) that graduated a total of 201 educators from the top 45 zoos in China. Evaluation findings indicate that ACT has the potential to make a significant impact towards facilitating the establishment of the zoo education profession in China. Based on this, Zoo Atlanta is currently focusing its efforts on training a core group of ACT graduates who have demonstrated passion and commitment towards furthering the zoo education profession with the long-term goal that they will take ownership of future ACT content and be prepared to lead the ongoing development of the zoo educator profession in China. The next session of ACT is scheduled for June 2009 in Harbin, China. To learn more about ACT, visit or email

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